A common issue faced by Colombian trans women is extremely high levels of violence: between 2008 and 2013, the number of murders of trans people in Colombia was fourth-highest in the world. Despite these deaths and other violent assaults, no one person has been charge.

“A common issue faced by Colombian trans women is extremely high levels of violence: between 2008 and 2013, the number of murders of trans people in Colombia was fourth-highest in the world.” Despite these deaths and other violent assaults, no one person has been charged, according to Santamaría Fundación’s Director of Institutional Processes, Déborah Skenassy. “Trans women don’t have access to health or justice because our bodies aren’t legitimized. We exist at the margins of the state.”

The police, she adds, are often part of the problem, denying help or arresting trans women without justification. Santamaría Fundación has documented 150 accounts of police abuse that have so far been ignored by superiors.

Trans Siempre Amigas – TRANSSA

TRANSSA is an institution that ensures the respect and equity of Trans people (Transgender, Transvestite, Transgender and Transgender) of the Dominican Republic.

TRANSSA is an institution that ensures the respect and equity of Trans people (Transgender, Transvestite, Transgender and Transgender) of the Dominican Republic. They promote leadership and respect for their transpeople. It is a place where transgender Dominican Republicans can find support and a means where they can take their denunciations so as between all to find solutions and try to achieve a better quality of life for all. Mission: Be a group of transvestites, transsexuals, and transgender (transpeople) working to achieve the unification and improvement of the quality of life of its population through the main problems affecting our community in the field of Human Rights: Labor, Health Services And Education; Promoting Leadership, Emotional Support, and Respect, to all trans populations in Dominican Republic. View: Be the Organization that watches over the Respect and Equity of the Trans in the Dominican Republic; Committed to solutions to the problems of the community, protecting individual human rights. General objective: Contribute to mitigate the impact of Stigma and Discrimination by Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity from the Institutional, Legal, Cultural and Social. TRANSSA’s values

  • Equity
  • Empowerment
  • Respect
  • Solidarity
  • Commitment

*** En Español*** TRANSSA es una Institución que vela por el respeto y la equidad de las personas Trans (Transexuales, Travestis, Transgéneros y Transformistas) de Republica Dominicana. Promoviendo Liderazgo y Respeto hacia nuestras Trans. Es un lugar donde las Trans de Rep.Dom. encuentran apoyo y un medio donde pueden llevar sus denuncias para así entre todos/as buscar soluciones y tratar de lograr una mejor calidad de vida para todos/as. Misión: Ser un grupo de Transformistas , Travestis, Transexuales y Transgeneros (Trans) Trabajando para lograr la unificación y el mejoramiento de la calidad de vida de su población mediante los principales problemas que afecta nuestra comunidad en materia, de Derechos Humano: Laborales, Servicios de Salud y Educación; Promoviendo Liderazgo, Apoyo Emocional, y Respeto, a todos/as losas Trans. en Republica Dominicana. Visión: Ser la Organización que vela por el Respeto y la Equidad de los/as Trans en Republica Dominicana; Comprometida con las soluciones a las problemáticas de la comunidad, protegiendo los Derechos Humanos individuales. Objetivo General: Contribuir a mitigar el impacto del Estigma y la Discriminación por Orientación Sexual e Identidad de género desde lo Institucional, Legal, Cultural y Social. Valores de TRANSSA •        Equidad •        Empoderamiento •        Respeto •        Solidaridad •        Compromiso

Women’s Initiatives Supporting Group (WISG)

Women’s Initiatives Supporting Group (WISG) is an LBT-led feminist group working to ensure the full involvement equal participation in social, political, cultural and economic life for all women in Georgia.

Women’s Initiatives Supporting Group (WISG) is an LBT-led feminist group working to ensure the full involvement and equal participation in social, political, cultural and economic life for all women in Georgia. Their work utilizes a three-pronged strategy to achieve their goals: empower and build leadership of women, advocate for inclusive policies and popularize feminist values to instill societal respect for women on the margins, particularly LBT women. As a result of their recent successful advocacy using Universal Periodic Review mechanism to create pressure on their government, the country is now taking concrete steps to address anti-LBTQ violence and mandate officer training nationally.

Check out our 2018 International Wom*n’s Day video featuring Maya Tabidze of WISG:

IURA – Individuos Unidos por el Respeto y la Armonia

IURA is an organization of volunteers working to advance the rights of the LGBTQI community in the Dominican Republic.

IURA is an organization of volunteers working to advance the rights of the LGBTQI community in the Dominican Republic through educating heterosexual allies about sexual diversity and gender expression and identity, as well as expanding legal and media capacity of other activists and LGBTI organizations. Its main goal is to promote dignity, respect and equality for LGBTQI people through trainings that adapt to different sectors and strategies of community creation.


IURA es una organización de personas voluntarias que trabaja para avanzar los derechos de la comunidad LGBTQI en la República Dominicana a través de educar a aliadxs heterosexuales sobre la diversidad sexual y la expresión e identidad de género, así como también de expandir la capacidad legal y mediática de otrxs activistas y organizaciones LGBTI. Su meta principal es promover la dignidad, el respeto y la igualdad para las personas LGBTQI a través de capacitaciones que se adaptan a diferentes sectores y estrategias de creación de comunidad.

APIENC (API Equality – Northern California)

APIENC (API Equality – Northern California) builds LGBTQ Asian and Pacific Islander power to amplify their voices and increase visibility of their communities.

APIENC (API Equality – Northern California) builds LGBTQ Asian and Pacific Islander power to amplify their voices and increase visibility of their communities. Through organizing, they inspire and train leaders, establish intergenerational connections, and document and disseminate their histories. APIENC’s programs work to build strong communities attain cultural change, and fight isolation. Currently, their work falls l within the three main areas of: leadership development, visibility and storytelling, and trans justices.

(Photo: A sign reading “Our Histories Matter” from the 2015 Trans March.)

This organization is supported through the Funding Queerly Giving Circle, which is housed at Astraea.

Articulación Feminista Dominicana (formerly Colectiva Mujer y Salud)

Articulación Feminista Dominicana (formerly Colectiva Mujer y Salud) is one of the oldest feminist organizations in Latin America that advocates for sexual and reproductive rights.

Articulación Feminista Dominicana (formerly Colectiva Mujer y Salud) is one of the oldest feminist organizations in Latin America that advocates for sexual and reproductive rights. The current leadership of the organization consists of women of different generations who identify themselves as lesbians. Its mission is to promote the holistic health of women, including LBT women, as well as advancing the human rights of women. It has a feminist strategy and works for the eradication of racism, self-determination and empowerment of women, the political participation of women in all their diversity and throughout their lives and the full exercise of their sexuality.

*** En Español***

La Articulación Feminista Dominicana es una de las organizaciones feministas más antiguas en América Latina que aboga por los derechos sexuales y reproductivos. El liderazgo actual de la organización se compone de mujeres de diferentes generaciones que se identifican como lesbianas. Su misión es promover la salud holística de las mujeres, incluyendo las mujeres LBT, así como avanzar los derechos humanos de las mujeres. Tiene una estrategia feminista y trabaja por la erradicación del racismo, la autodeterminación y el empoderamiento de las mujeres, la participación política de las mujeres en toda su diversidad y a lo largo de sus vidas y el ejercicio pleno de su sexualidad.

Ação Pela Identidade (API)

ÇÃO PELA IDENTIDADE – API (Action for Identity) was formed in 2011 and officially registered in 2015 as an organization for the defense and study of intersectionality, bodily diversity and sex characteristics as well as gender diversity.

API would like to see terms like intersex, sex characteristics and bodily integrity becoming more visible in political discourse, including legislation and policies. They have a focus on Afro-Portuguese communities and aim to ensure access to stakeholders, and address racism in policies; API would like to see increased media representation of black, trans and intersex people. AÇÃO PELA IDENTIDADE – API (Action for Identity) was formed in 2011 and officially registered in 2015 as an organization for the defense and study of intersectionality, bodily diversity and sex characteristics as well as gender diversity. It’s leader is a black intersex artivist Santiago D’Almeida Ferreira who became the first intersex person out in Portugal, after their coming out in the Portuguese Parliament back in May, 2015. Since then API, with the help of the other founder and trans activist Júlia Mendes Pereira, have been advocating for the Human Rights of intersex persons, and gender self-determination, achieving already the Portuguese Government’s commitment by several meetings and official workshops and a public announcement that a new legislation securing the prohibition of surgeries on intersex babies will be presented in 2017. Their goal is to broaden up the human rights recognitions, policies and protections regarding bodily integrity, gender diversity, and intersecting discriminations in Portugal.

They have a focus on Afro-Portuguese communities and aim to ensure access to stakeholders, and address racism in policies; API would like to see increased media representation of black, trans, and intersex people.

Invisible to Invincible (“i2i”): API Pride of Chicago

Invisible to Invincible: Asian Pacific Islander Pride of Chicago (“i2i”) is a group that celebrates, affirms, and engages Asians and Pacific Islanders (APIs) who identify as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning, and Queer (LGBTQQ) persons in and around the Chicago area. i2i organizes monthly educational programs, social events, and activism.

Invisible to Invincible: Asian Pacific Islander Pride of Chicago (“i2i”) is a group that celebrates, affirms, and engages Asians and Pacific Islanders (APIs) who identify as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning, and Queer (LGBTQQ) persons in and around the Chicago area. i2i organizes monthly educational programs, social events, and activism. i2i was founded in 2005 as a multi-gender, multi-ethnic group where people of all sexual orientations, gender identities, immigration & adoptee identities, and multiracial & multiethnic backgrounds would be welcome. i2i increases awareness and visibility in both the Asian Pacific Islander communities and the LGBTQ communities. Anti-oppression (the work of actively challenging and removing oppression caused by power inequalities in society, both systemic and on an individual level) is a key value that motivates the purpose of i2i and informs where energy and resources are directed. While responding to and even preventing homophobia, biphobia, transphobia, heterosexism, and racism is i2i’s primary purpose for being, i2i can also be active and/or stand in solidarity with many other social issues that affect our community (i.e., immigration, education, poverty, and fair housing). This organization is supported through the Funding Queerly Giving Circle, which is housed at Astraea.

Global Feminist LBQ Women’s* Conference

The first Global Feminist LBQ Women*s Conference is organized by a collective working group of 22 LBQ women* activists from across all regions of the world.

The first Global Feminist LBQ Women*s Conference is organized by a collective working group of 22 LBQ women* activists from across all regions of the world. It aims to create a space for activists and advocates to come together, share knowledge, exchange strategies, strengthen connections, mobilize resources, and take the lead in building a global LBQ women*s movement with the capacity to influence the world agenda on human rights, health, and development.


IntersexUK is a volunteer-run organization led by two intersex women. It was founded in 2010 to prevent irreversible medical and surgical abuses being inflicted on intersex bodied children.

IntersexUK (iUK) was Co Founded by two intersex VSC women, Holly Greenberry and Dawn Vago, with advocate support  in 2010 (Holly and Dawn are parents also). iUK has grown over the last 12 years. The team now includes Jeanette (Uk’s most senior public intersex speaker and activist), and Joe (who was the UK’s youngest Intersex person to speak out publicly). All of the iUK team have a strong ethos and focus to also engage and work with independent intersectional intersex people and support creating spaces for intersex / VSC  inclusion and voices.

The key focus of iUK’s work is to deliver fact, testimony, demands and consultancy with a focus on legislation and policy by means of expert education. iUK have consulted and reported as lead stakeholders in cross party settings, and with various government departments, as well having worked in unity on numerous UN projects.  A fundamental goal of iUK is to support cross party understanding of intersex / VSC issues and to recognise and enact the need for bodily autonomy and bodily integrity for all intersex bodied people with a variation of sex characteristic (VSC). They focus heavily on unity, advocacy and stakeholder consultation delivering Intersex / VSC demands based on co authored International demands statements. iUK have also delivered numerous co authored reports to UN treaty bodies regarding the UK’s approach to ‘managing’ intersex / VSC people (especially children / minors). They deliver fundamentally important education across all levels, including working with academics, guest lecturing at universities and delivering expert key note speakers, forums, workshops and panels. Their work with the media is extensive. They administer some vital online support groups, as well as offer one to one peer support to intersex individuals as well as to parents and carers. They work with and are advocated by many professionals, parliamentarians, organisations: women’s, children’s, mens and LGBT+ organisations to list but a few.