The Caribbean Women and Sexuality Conference (CWSDC) was funded Astraea Lesbian Foundation For Justice alongside several partners: The Caribbean Forum for the Liberation and Acceptance of Genders and Sexualities (CariFLAGS), Arcus Foundation, ARC International, International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission (IGLHRC), Council for Global Equality, and Envisioning Global LGBT Human Rights.
The CWSDC came out of discussion generated in February 2012 at the International Dialogue and Training on LGBT Human Rights in Saint Lucia. Also a first of its kind convening in the Caribbean, The Dialogue drew the largest number of lesbian and bisexual women attendees ever recorded from the region in one space. Recognizing a need for further dialogue, a womens caucus was organised and United and Strong partnered with the Fundashon Orguyo Korsou/Curaçao Pride Foundation (FOKO) to take the lead on organizing a follow-up conference.
The CWSDC will take place from September 22th-29th, 2013 in Curaçao. A Pre-conference will be held on September 23 & 24th. It will include a Proposal Writing Workshop facilitated by Astraea Program Officer Mónica Enríquez-Enríquez.
Read about the CWSDC from Astraea grantee partner SASOD’s blog.