Stonewall Youth

Stonewall Youth is an organization of youth, activists, and allies that empowers lesbian, gay , bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, intersex and asexual (LGBTQQIA) youth.

Stonewall Youth is an organization of youth, activists, and allies that empowers lesbian, gay , bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, intersex and asexual (LGBTQQIA) youth to speak for themselves, educate their communities, and support each other. We envision a community in which all LGBTQQIA youth have a full spectrum of choices regarding their bodies, self-expression relationships, and legal rights. For more than 25 years, our crucial and supportive community space for queer and transgender youth ages 21 and under has helped thousands of youth to actualize skills for self-development, self-care, leadership, activism, and community building. As an organization, we are invested in youth-led anti-hierarchal organizing and aim for their organization to reflect the values of shared power that we wish to see in the world. Therefore, our staff operates as a consensus based collective trained in anti-oppression analysis, adultism and positive youth development. As staff, volunteers and a Board comprised of LGBTQQIA youth and adults, our life experiences allow us to serve queer youth in the most informed and whole way possible. This organization is supported through the Funding Queerly Giving Circle, which is housed at Astraea.

Queer the Land

Queer the Land is a collaborative project based on a partnership between the Queer and Trans Pan-African Exchange (QTPAX) and Building Autonomy and Safety for Everyone (BASE), grounded in the self-determination of queer and trans people of color and the vision of collectively owning our land and labor.

Queer the Land is a collaborative project based on a partnership between the Queer and Trans Pan-African Exchange (QTPAX) and Building Autonomy and Safety for Everyone (BASE), grounded in the self-determination of queer and trans people of color and the vision of collectively owning our land and labor. Queer the Land is working to establish a cooperative network and build a solidarity economy that is anchored by a community space and transitional housing which prioritizes the needs of QTPOC in their communities. This organization is supported through the Funding Queerly Giving Circle, which is housed at Astraea.

Queer & Trans People of Color Birthwerq Project (Q/TPOC BP)

The Queer & Trans People of Color Birthwerq Project started in 2014 to create more access to birth education for trans and gender non-conforming people of color.

The Queer & Trans People of Color Birthwerq Project started in 2014 to create more access to birth education for trans and gender non-conforming people of color. Birth education is largely inaccessible not only due to tuition rates, but also because it is often highly gendered and dominated by white, cisgendered, upper-class, heterosexual women. There are many more kinds of pregnant people than are represented in the licensed/certified U.S. birthworker demographic. QTPOC Birthwerq Project is committed to shifting this work back into queer and trans communities of color by offering ways for QTPOC to learn about birth and pregnancy in a setting that is trans-positive and competent, that is encouraging of community doulas, and that centers the rich legacy of POC birthworkers in the U.S. Their mission is to not only increase the number of trans people of color doulas, particularly trans women of color, but also to build and support movement building between reproductive justice and trans justice. Their work aims to begin to heal/mend the disconnect between these two movements by remembering and reclaiming that work as advocates and birthworkers was always together. This organization is supported through the Funding Queerly Giving Circle, which is housed at Astraea.