IN THE LIFE features Astraea Executive Director in Summer of Stonewall Series

Published on Jul 1, 2009

Watch Astraea Executive Director Katherine Acey featured on IN THE LIFE’s Summer of Stonewall Series.  “Two of our movement’s longest serving executive directors – Katherine Acey of Astrea and Lambda Legal’s Kevin Cathcart – discuss their lives as activists, the impact of Stonewall on their generation, and the passion that keeps them advancing the movement.”

USA- New York

Watch the Episode

Visit IN THE LIFE for the full series, Civil Disobedience

We don’’t know for sure what happened when police officers raided the Stonewall Inn.  What is known is that on that historic night, when LGBT patrons united to fight back against harassment and brutality, a movement was born. This month, IN THE LIFE looks at how this historic act of civil disobedience ignited a movement for LGBT civil rights.

Before Stonewall, few LGBT groups publicly assembled despite their constitutional right to do so. But when they began to, these pioneering activists needed spaces to gather in. Our lead segment highlights the LGBT centers that have sheltered the movement and its organizations, providing refuge, legitimacy – a home – for LGBT people since Stonewall.

In A CONVERSATION WITH two of our movement’’s longest serving executive directors—–Katherine Acey of Astraea and Lambda Legal’’s Kevin Cathcart—–discuss their lives as activists, the impact of Stonewall on their generation, and the passion that keeps them advancing the movement.

In this episode’’s final story, we profile Storme Delarvarie, the activist, organizer, and celebrated drag performer who—–legend has it—–threw the punch that started a revolution.