Humanity First Cameroon is an association that fights against HIV/AIDS, and defends and protects the human rights of vulnerable people including the LGBTQ community.
Humanity First Cameroon is an association that fights against HIV/AIDS, and defends and protects the human rights of vulnerable people including the LGBTQ community. Grant supports the Women’s Gender and Leadership Unit, which organizes lesbian, bisexual, queer women and women who have sex with women (WSW), especially low-income women who haven’t had the opportunity to complete high school or higher education. They organize for increased recognition and mobilization of LBQWSW women in the Cameroonian LGBT and feminist movement. They provide trainings and advocacy actions aimed at women’s associations and human rights organizations to seek recognition of violence based on sexual orientation and gender identity. They have also previously engaged in sensitization programs targeting healthcare workers and are building a strategy to support women in developing their own revenue-generating strategies.
Institute TransAkcija is a young, feminist, grassroots trans NGO working to advance gender justice in Slovenia.
Institute TransAkcija is a young, feminist, grassroots trans NGO working to advance gender justice in Slovenia. Formed in 2014, they are the first and only trans group in the county. Their goals include addressing the legal and systematic erasure of trans and gender non-conforming people from legislative and social structures, raising visibility and awareness of transgender communities and issues, and building a strong transgender community with diverse leadership. In the short period of their existence, they have established themselves as recognized community advocates. In addition to their core psychosocial service provision and peer-support programs, host annual “TransMisija” conferences during Transgender Awareness Month, bringing together transgender community members, activists, NGOs, academics, professionals and government representatives. They have advocated to broaden regulations for legal gender recognition and achieve the inclusion of gender identity and expression protections in Slovenia’s anti-discrimination laws––the first time these personal circumstances have ever been considered in Slovenia. Recently, they worked with a Canadian trans filmmaker to produce a film called Transgender Life in Slovenia, which is now screening across multiple countries.
IURA is an organization of volunteers working to advance the rights of the LGBTQI community in the Dominican Republic.
IURA is an organization of volunteers working to advance the rights of the LGBTQI community in the Dominican Republic through educating heterosexual allies about sexual diversity and gender expression and identity, as well as expanding legal and media capacity of other activists and LGBTI organizations. Its main goal is to promote dignity, respect and equality for LGBTQI people through trainings that adapt to different sectors and strategies of community creation.
IURA es una organización de personas voluntarias que trabaja para avanzar los derechos de la comunidad LGBTQI en la República Dominicana a través de educar a aliadxs heterosexuales sobre la diversidad sexual y la expresión e identidad de género, así como también de expandir la capacidad legal y mediática de otrxs activistas y organizaciones LGBTI. Su meta principal es promover la dignidad, el respeto y la igualdad para las personas LGBTQI a través de capacitaciones que se adaptan a diferentes sectores y estrategias de creación de comunidad.
Jinsiangu was founded in 2012 as a social justice organization working to create awareness of and respect for intersex, transgender and gender non-conforming (ITGNC) people in Kenya.
Jinsiangu is a Kenyan-based organisation established in 2012 for the purpose of increasing safe spaces for and enhancing the wellbeing and respect of ITGNC (Intersex, Transgender and Gender Non Conforming) people in Kenya. They have been working to achieve that through provision of information, and undertaking research, advocacy and high visibility activities. They have also been working to enable gender minorities to overcome challenges through the provision of psycho-social support since 2014, community building & providing holistic empowerment opportunities, and facilitation of access to ITGNC specific health care. In tandem with this, they have been engaging in advocacy awareness campaigns and outreach work targeting medical practitioners, law enforcement and different partners including various departments of the Kenyan government.
QET Inclusion was formed in 2015 to build a strong and supportive community of non-binary, queer and trans* people.
QET Inclusion was formed in 2015 to build a strong and supportive community of non-binary, queer and trans* people in order to contribute to their welfare and stamp out the various forms of violence, intimidation, stigmatization, and rejection they face because of their gender identity or expression. The first organized trans group to form in West Africa, they provide space for the community to come together and positively assert trans culture and the historical existence of gender diversity. They will also engage in advocacy to increase access to affirming healthcare and start an on-line web magazine for information and visibility of non-binary, queer and trans* people.
TRANSSA is an institution that ensures the respect and equity of Trans people (Transgender, Transvestite, Transgender and Transgender) of the Dominican Republic.
TRANSSA is an institution that ensures the respect and equity of Trans people (Transgender, Transvestite, Transgender and Transgender) of the Dominican Republic. They promote leadership and respect for their transpeople. It is a place where transgender Dominican Republicans can find support and a means where they can take their denunciations so as between all to find solutions and try to achieve a better quality of life for all. Mission: Be a group of transvestites, transsexuals, and transgender (transpeople) working to achieve the unification and improvement of the quality of life of its population through the main problems affecting our community in the field of Human Rights: Labor, Health Services And Education; Promoting Leadership, Emotional Support, and Respect, to all trans populations in Dominican Republic. View: Be the Organization that watches over the Respect and Equity of the Trans in the Dominican Republic; Committed to solutions to the problems of the community, protecting individual human rights. General objective: Contribute to mitigate the impact of Stigma and Discrimination by Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity from the Institutional, Legal, Cultural and Social. TRANSSA’s values
- Equity
- Empowerment
- Respect
- Solidarity
- Commitment
*** En Español*** TRANSSA es una Institución que vela por el respeto y la equidad de las personas Trans (Transexuales, Travestis, Transgéneros y Transformistas) de Republica Dominicana. Promoviendo Liderazgo y Respeto hacia nuestras Trans. Es un lugar donde las Trans de Rep.Dom. encuentran apoyo y un medio donde pueden llevar sus denuncias para así entre todos/as buscar soluciones y tratar de lograr una mejor calidad de vida para todos/as. Misión: Ser un grupo de Transformistas , Travestis, Transexuales y Transgeneros (Trans) Trabajando para lograr la unificación y el mejoramiento de la calidad de vida de su población mediante los principales problemas que afecta nuestra comunidad en materia, de Derechos Humano: Laborales, Servicios de Salud y Educación; Promoviendo Liderazgo, Apoyo Emocional, y Respeto, a todos/as losas Trans. en Republica Dominicana. Visión: Ser la Organización que vela por el Respeto y la Equidad de los/as Trans en Republica Dominicana; Comprometida con las soluciones a las problemáticas de la comunidad, protegiendo los Derechos Humanos individuales. Objetivo General: Contribuir a mitigar el impacto del Estigma y la Discriminación por Orientación Sexual e Identidad de género desde lo Institucional, Legal, Cultural y Social. Valores de TRANSSA • Equidad • Empoderamiento • Respeto • Solidaridad • Compromiso
Founded in 2008, the Trans-Fuzja Foundation has grown remarkably to take on ambitious campaigns towards the achievement of legal, social, health and human rights of the full spectrum transgender, non-binary and gender-diverse people in Poland.
Founded in 2008, the Trans-Fuzja Foundation began as a community initiative offering peer counseling and community building activities. In the past eight years, it has grown remarkably to take on ambitious campaigns towards the achievement of legal, social, health and human rights of the full spectrum transgender, non-binary and gender-diverse people in Poland. In 2015, their campaign to pass a comprehensive Gender Recognition Law reached a remarkable high when it was approved by the Polish Parliament, but it was unfortunately vetoed by the President. Despite this eventual defeat and the post-election conservative swing in government, Trans Fuzja continues to find innovative case-by-base avenues to make the process of legal gender recognition and access to healthcare less cumbersome for trans people. They are currently building up their cultural change strategies, supporting trans “vlogging” on a trans platform on YouTube, and organizing personal development, human rights and communications skill-building workshops for emerging trans activists. Watch an interview with Trans-Fuzja’s former Executive Director, Wiktor Dynarski: Check out our 2018 International Trans Day of Visibility video featuring an interview with Trans-Fuzja’s former Executive Director, Wiktor Dynarksi:
The Venasa Transgender Network came together in 2015 to promote the legal, health and social well-being of LGBTQ people mainly focusing on transgender persons.
The Venasa Transgender Network came together in 2015 to promote the legal, health and social well-being of LGBTQ people mainly focusing on transgender persons. Since their founding, they have built a national network of transgender and intersex people and supportive legal, health and activist allies. Their key activities mobilize the trans community to stand up for their rights and access their legal and health entitlements, build consciousness amongst parents and families of trans people, and build allies in the media to create positive images and narratives about trans lives. Lastly, they are working to expand their networks of legal and health professionals and engage in advocacy to simplify and standardize procedures for legal gender recognition.
WHER Initiative is a Nigerian feminist organization that brings together lesbian, bisexual and other sexual minority women from all over the country to collectively take action to advance and promote their rights and wellbeing.
WHER Initiative is a Nigerian feminist organization that brings together lesbian, bisexual and other sexual minority women from all over the country to collectively take action to advance and promote their rights and wellbeing. Their programs provide psychosocial support, economic empowerment and leadership development, and also focus outwards to build alliances with the women’s movement and other civil society sectors. They are also an actively engaged with advocacy to advance human rights for LGBTQ people in Nigeria, as a partner in the Solidarity Alliance for Human Rights, and the on African continent. WHER initiative’s Sister2Sister program builds and trains leaders across the country to provide counseling, peer support and coordinate local community networks in their respective cities. This kind of mental health support goes hand in hand with their financial empowerment workshops, consciousness raising community ‘edu-tainment’ activities and human rights trainings.
Women’s Initiatives Supporting Group (WISG) is an LBT-led feminist group working to ensure the full involvement equal participation in social, political, cultural and economic life for all women in Georgia.
Women’s Initiatives Supporting Group (WISG) is an LBT-led feminist group working to ensure the full involvement and equal participation in social, political, cultural and economic life for all women in Georgia. Their work utilizes a three-pronged strategy to achieve their goals: empower and build leadership of women, advocate for inclusive policies and popularize feminist values to instill societal respect for women on the margins, particularly LBT women. As a result of their recent successful advocacy using Universal Periodic Review mechanism to create pressure on their government, the country is now taking concrete steps to address anti-LBTQ violence and mandate officer training nationally.
Check out our 2018 International Wom*n’s Day video featuring Maya Tabidze of WISG: