Bilitis Resource Center Foundation

Bilitis was founded in 2004 as an LBT women’s self-help group.

Bilitis was founded in 2004 and is now the oldest LGBTI organization in Bulgaria. Their intersex work is intersexled. They advocate for protection against discrimination based on gender identity, gender expression and sex characteristics in employment; to ban the “normalizing” surgery of intersex infants; for a quick, transparent and accessible process for legal gender recognition including for intersex people. They work on LGBTI issues in education, with the publication of studies on the experience of LGBTI students and LGBTI teachers. They are participating in the Bring-In project, funded by the European Union’s Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme, to promote the equality of intersex people in Greece, Hungary, UK and Bulgaria, by educating socialand healthcare professionals on how to recognize, prevent and combat discrimination towards intersex people, while raising public awareness and advocating for actions to combat the human rights violations intersex people face.
students and LGBTI teachers. They are participating in the BringIn project, funded by the European Union’s Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme, to promote the equality of intersex people in Greece, Hungary, UK and Bulgaria, by educating socialand healthcare professionals on how to recognize, prevent and combat discrimination towards intersex people, while raising public awareness and advocating for actions to combat the human rights violations intersex people face.

Intersex Danmark

Intersex Danmark was formed in October 2014, when an Intersex activist realized that there were no non-pathologizing support groups for intersex people in Denmark.

Intersex Danmark was formed in October 2014. They are hopeful that thanks to their advocacy work the antidiscriminations laws will soon protect people with variations of sex characteristics, in labor market, hate crime, and general discrimination. They also work on intersex asylum rights and succeeded in having the Ministry of Immigration and Integration in Denmark send out information material on how to ensure the safety and wellbeing of LGBTI+ Asylum seekers in Denmark. The material was distributed to all centers for asylumseekers in Denmark and contained some the recommendations they worked on, especially on the right to specialized healthcare for intersex asylum seekers. On awareness-raising, they build partnerships with many human rights, LGBT+ and feminist NGOs, and participate in conferences and media interviews.

Vivir y Ser Intersex

Vivir y Ser Intersex was initially founded as a blog with the purpose of producing original contents about intersexuality in Spanish language, because most content that can found on the Internet is written in English.

Vivir y Ser Intersex was initially founded as a blog with the purpose of producing original contents about intersexuality in Spanish language, because most content that can found on the Internet is written in English. So far, users from all over Latin America and Spain (but also from the US and other countries) have visited the blog. As a project, Vivir y Ser Intersex has a common mission shared along with other projects and groups: to raise consciousness about intersexuality, to increase its visibility, to educate people in general but also to raise other intersex persons and help them to express their voices and life experiences, exposing the issues many still face on a daily basis such as discrimination, stigma, and trauma from the unconsented medical procedures of which they’ve been subject; all of this especially (although not exclusively) with a particular scope on Mexico, Hispanic America and Spain. They are working closely with the other intersex organizers from Mexico and Latin America in general.

OII Italia

OII Italia’s advocacy work aims at stopping the violation of intersex people’s human rights, especially the unnecessary and non-consensual medical treatments inflicted upon intersex people to conform their bodies.

OII Italia was established in 2017, and co-founded by two intersex people. OII Italia’s advocacy work aims at stopping the violation of intersex people’s human rights, especially the unnecessary and non-consensual medical treatments inflicted upon intersex people to conform their bodies. To achieve this goal, this new group is working on building new alliances and a network of intersex activists and advocates in Italy. OII-Italia’s current main priority is to raise national awareness on human rights violations perpetrated against intersex people. OII-Italia aims at building a strong intersex movement in the country.

Collectif Intersexes et Allié-e-s (CIA)

Collectif Intersexes et Allié-e-s was founded in 2016 and is an intersex-led collective in France.

The group was set up on IAD 2016 and is an intersexled collective in France. Their advocacy work was structured around the revision of the bioethics law, with work with many human rights French institutions and Parliament groups. Around this work, their awarenessraising campaign included a petition, interassociative trainings, and participation in public events such as screenings, demonstrations or debates. Their community work includes individual and collective accompaniment and a national gathering, as well as national surveys. They are also involved in international intersex networks.
petition, interassociative trainings, and participation in public events such as screenings, demonstrations or debates. Their community work includes individual and collective accompaniment and a national gathering, as well as national surveys. They are also involved in international intersex networks.

Intersex Peer Support Australia (IPSA)

Intersex Peer Support Australia (IPSA) provide peer support between people with any intersex variation throughout Australia and Aotearoa/New Zealand.

Intersex Peer Support Australia was established with support from the Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne in 1985 and became peerled in 1996. They now provide peer support between people with any intersex variation throughout Australia and Aotearoa/New Zealand. They work closely with Intersex Human Rights Australia and Intersex Trust Aotearoa New Zealand. They produce videos for awarenessraising, participate in interviews, and develop a website with many information about intersex variations and legal rights of intersex people. They have a group on facebook and hold many peersupport meetings, such as family picnics in partnership with the Royal Children’s Hospital in Melbourne. They help to put people with intersex variations together in their local area, and provide peertopeer support by email and phone. They encourage and facilitate creative and political expression for intersex individuals and groups. They also hold the national intersex peer support conference each year.

Intersex Archive Project

The Intersex Human Rights Fund supports organizations, projects and timely campaigns led by intersex activists working to ensure the human rights, bodily autonomy, physical integrity and self-determination of intersex people. Given the dearth of funding to intersex issues globally, intersex groups/projects based anywhere in the world are eligible to apply.

XY Spectrum

XY Spectrum was founded by trans and intersex activists from Serbia and is the first organization with, for and on intersex issues in Serbia.

XY Spectrum was created in 2017. This will be the first organization with, for and on intersex issues in Serbia. They are involved in peersupport with They also helped an intersex child and their parents from the Iran in refugee camp in Belgrade. They advocate within the UN UPR mechanisms and the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (CESCR), as well as within the ILGA Europe EU Enlargement report. They are involved in awareness raising with a number of media participations and lectures, and with translating OII Europe content into Serbian.

Ação Pela Identidade (API)

ÇÃO PELA IDENTIDADE – API (Action for Identity) was formed in 2011 and officially registered in 2015 as an organization for the defense and study of intersectionality, bodily diversity and sex characteristics as well as gender diversity.

API would like to see terms like intersex, sex characteristics and bodily integrity becoming more visible in political discourse, including legislation and policies. They have a focus on Afro-Portuguese communities and aim to ensure access to stakeholders, and address racism in policies; API would like to see increased media representation of black, trans and intersex people. AÇÃO PELA IDENTIDADE – API (Action for Identity) was formed in 2011 and officially registered in 2015 as an organization for the defense and study of intersectionality, bodily diversity and sex characteristics as well as gender diversity. It’s leader is a black intersex artivist Santiago D’Almeida Ferreira who became the first intersex person out in Portugal, after their coming out in the Portuguese Parliament back in May, 2015. Since then API, with the help of the other founder and trans activist Júlia Mendes Pereira, have been advocating for the Human Rights of intersex persons, and gender self-determination, achieving already the Portuguese Government’s commitment by several meetings and official workshops and a public announcement that a new legislation securing the prohibition of surgeries on intersex babies will be presented in 2017. Their goal is to broaden up the human rights recognitions, policies and protections regarding bodily integrity, gender diversity, and intersecting discriminations in Portugal.

They have a focus on Afro-Portuguese communities and aim to ensure access to stakeholders, and address racism in policies; API would like to see increased media representation of black, trans, and intersex people.

Comité Visibilité Intersexe

The Comite Visibilite Intersexe was set up in 2014 with the goal to create systemic changes in the lives of intersex people, particularly in relation to the health and support provided to intersex people but also through political action.

The Comite Visibilite Intersexe was set up in 2014 with the goal to create systemic changes in the lives of intersex people, particularly in relation to the health and support provided to intersex people but also through political action. The organization describes their governance structure as ‘horizontal operation and decision-making’. Their main strategies are capacity building, peer support and community building.