Somjen Frazer

Published on Dec 9, 2016

Somjen Frazer joined Astraea and the community of donors pooling their resources for substantial and sustainable change.

Somjen Frazer joined Astraea and the community of donors pooling their resources for substantial and sustainable change.

Somjen acted on her commitment to Astraea’s impact around the world by writing her monthly $100 donation into her consulting firm’s business plan. She said of her gift, “I love the idea of giving monthly, rather than annually or just when I’m asked. I grew up in a Southern Baptist community, where tithing 10 percent of your income to the church is the standard. Giving monthly is being thoughtful about what the opposition is doing and what we can do to match that.”

“I like Astraea because it believes in taking chances on groups that otherwise won’t get funded,” Somjen said. “Astraea helps me because I’m not in position to decide which groups to give to. Astraea has a decision-making model—utilizing the expertise of community activists—that I can trust.”

Astraea’s growing core of monthly donors provides dependable support throughout the year. Monthly gifts provide a consistent way to support feminist social justice work around the globe and can provide an opportunity to give even more by breaking the gift into installments. “Giving monthly makes it easier to give a substantial amount of money,” Arlene said. “I want to be able to give as much as I can because I support the mission.”